All Jewish Lives Matter
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Won't you stand with us!
We are now a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization.
Your Donation is 100% Deductible.
Israel and Freedom are Under Attack!
- Israel is leading the fight for the world
- violence and protest are surging around the world
- Is your way of life next?
Our Israeli equipment supplier(Eitan Deutsch) and his family describe their business,
and how they’re helping IDF soldiers on the front lines with lifesaving equipment.
- Please help us help them.
Medical Troops say Thank You! - video sent October 30,2024
These Units thank us for the recent shipment you made possible.
- Thank You from the 749th Combat Engineers, 9213 Gdud Raam, Daalton Emergency Gdud 6228
Our Goals
1) We Collect And Distribute Needed Equipment For IDF Troops.
- Priority for military equipment and supplies go to troops fighting in Gaza. As a result, reserve units sorely lack basic equipment for their military operations. Here is our Kfir Reserve Unit thanking us for recently receiving tactical uniforms and equipment.
2) We Raise Capital to Counter Hamas and Terrorist Fabricated Propaganda
- Using our considerable media and technical expertise to counter the barrage of non-stop Anti-Israel propaganda.
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Why The Name "All Jewish Lives Matter"?
Don’t all lives matter? Of course they do full stop! We welcome all people of goodwill who stand on the side of freedom and dignity, and not for a death cult unable and unwilling to come to terms with the only Jewish State of Israel.
The horrific events of October 7th, shook World Jewry to it’s core. On that day, the Jewish Holiday of Simchat Torah, the terror group of Hamas kidnapped, raped, mutilated and eventually murdered 1200 Jews simply for being Jewish and celebrating at a dance festival. Over the following months, we quickly and soberly realized who are our friends and who are not. As a result, we formed the group with the idea that All Jews must finally unite and come together under one banner. Please donate generously and ensure this never happens again.

These are just some of the causes we support
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Together, We Make a Difference
By joining the Jewish Lives Matter Movement, you become an essential part of a collective effort to create a world where Jewish lives are valued, respected, and celebrated. Together, we can build bridges of understanding and compassion that transcend boundaries and foster a more inclusive society.
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All Jewish Lives Matter
🔥 Emergency: Israel Under Siege! Donate / Act Now! 🔥
You watch the news; you see it all over social media; Israel is under constant attack from Hamas terrorists while their misinformation machine grinds on. The constant barrage against Israel and the Jewish people is maddening, infuriating and frankly unacceptable.
You want to do something about it, you want to help. Now you can! All Jewish Lives Matter was set up to accomplish the following goals:
- Israel Advocacy a. No Cease Fire until all remaining hostages are returned. b. Hamas is eliminated.
- Fighting Anti-Semitism in the US a. Providing opposition research for students on campus facing an onslaught of hostile and misguided messaging.
- Raising Capital to Battle Hamas Driven Propaganda a. Using our considerable technical and web development resources and expertise to flood social media with Pro Israel messaging for peace in this region.
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